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2Synergize Partners with Industry Leader George Fenich, Ph.D.
San Diego, CA & Tucson, AZ – July 2019 / Newsmaker Alert / 2Synergize, LLC – a Simpleview consulting firm based in San Diego – has partnered with George G. Fenich, Ph.D., co-founder of the firm Trends Analysis Projections (TAP). Fenich has long been a leader and innovator in the travel and tourism industry, creating analytics and solutions that help CVBs gauge their performance and make educated decisions on their sales strategies. 2Synergize now is the exclusive licensee of Fenich’s work in the CVB space.
George G. Fenich, Ph.D“Partnering with George is a great opportunity to provide CVBs with tailored resources they need to be more competitive, effective and aligned with their stakeholders,” said 2Synergize Managing Director, Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki.

As a well-respected consultant for CVBs, Shimo understands the challenges that destinations face. In partnering with Fenich, Shimo looks forward to empowering destinations with the actionable insights they need to fuel their sales strategies.

“I’ve always been about finding ways to solve our industry’s oldest problems, where lack of information and inefficiency have plagued us,” said Shimo. “With Fenich’s research and analytics, we have an opportunity to help CVBs standardize goal setting, redefine success metrics and lead a collaborative sales strategy with stakeholders.”

Of joining forces with Shimo, Fenich notes, “I am pleased that 2Synergize and Simpleview have agreed to embrace the analytics I have developed over the years. I believe they have the resources and expertise to take the analytics to the next level and to provide CVBs with even more in-depth resources to achieve their goals.”

Fenich will be working closely with 2Synergize and Simpleview to find new ways to use his research to serve destinations across the world, including a reimagined pace report, plus destination attractiveness, consumption benchmark, need period impact and event scoring profile analyses.

About 2Synergize
2Synergize, LLC, a Simpleview consulting company, is a passionate advocate of convention and visitors bureaus in the meetings and events market. Specializing in developing stakeholder alignment and collaboration, the 2Synergize team focuses on delivering citywide sales strategy formulation, success metrics, customer insights, and training. For more information about 2Synergize, visit www.2Synergize.com.

About Simpleview
Simpleview is the worldwide leading provider of CRM, CMS, website design, digital marketing, revenue generation, and mobile technologies for destination marketing organizations (DMOs). The company employs 325+ staff and works with 900+ travel, tourism and convention marketing customers on six continents, from towns of less than 30,000 to world capitals, including Los Angeles, New York and 14 more of the top 20 U.S. meetings destinations, Dubai, East Sweden, Guadalajara, Melbourne, Prague, Reykjavik, South Africa and the countries of Malaysia, Norway and Scotland. For more information about Simpleview, visit www.SimpleviewInc.com.

Simpleview Contact:
Cara Frank
Vice President of Marketing
Phone: 520-575-1151 Ext. 143

Publishing Dates: 07/25/19 – 09/25/19
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