| | During the Christel House Walk-a-Thon this year Associates walked, jogged, biked and exercised to help raise awareness for the cause. They organized into teams, held friendly competitions, and set fundraising goals. “Walking is the best medicine for me. I’ve found that if we want to walk fast, we walk alone, but if we want to walk far, we need to walk together. By doing so, we can accomplish anything while building a culture of inclusion and trust,” said Abby Escalante, Grand Pacific Resorts Associate and Walk-a-Thon participant. Associates logged a total of 1,905 miles and collectively raised $40,873, enough to provide 15 students at Christel House with a full year of educational essentials like books, uniforms, school supplies, lunches and snacks, transportation to and from school, healthcare, college and career counseling, and parent programs. “I’m
so proud of our Associates who remain committed to the causes that we as
a company have been passionate about for years,” said Grand Pacific Resorts
Co-President David
Brown. “It’s exciting watching our team come together to chip in for
the common good, and we look forward to our next challenge, to raise money
in support of the technology programs at Christel
House Mexico City.”
About Christel House Christel House is a non-profit organization that helps transform the lives of children in disadvantaged communities around the world in an effort to break the cycle of poverty. By providing access to educational opportunities, individual families as well as entire communities benefit. From hosting annual fundraisers to providing internship opportunities to donating much-needed laptops, we are always looking for ways to continue to help. Visit www.ChristelHouse.org for more information. About
Grand Pacific Resorts
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Previous Release: Grand Pacific Resorts Continues to Expand Along the Southern California Coast (09/20/22) |