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NGF: Golf Participation Is Growing & Diversifying
NGF: Golf Participation Is Growing & Diversifying
Jupiter, FL – February 2025 / NewsmakerAlert: Year-end data for 2024 shows that more than one-quarter of green-grass golfers in the U.S. are women and girls or People of Color, two distinct but overlapping segments that have historically been underrepresented in the sport.

NGF members can find more information on these segments and more in the newly released Golf Participation in the U.S. Report.

The growth has been especially pronounced in recent years. Since the start of the pandemic, there has been a net increase of 2.3 million females and 2.1 million golfers of color playing on course. Women and girls have been particularly impactful in driving the sport’s post-pandemic growth, accounting for approximately 60% of the net gain in green grass golfers since 2019. The female golfer population has now reached nearly 7.9 million – an all-time high.

NGF: Golf Participation Is Growing & Diversifying
This representation is a significant lift compared to 2012, when females accounted for 20% of on-course golfers. That lower proportion coincided with the aftermath of the Great Recession, when many households faced tighter finances and an increase in two-income families, leading to reduced free time and less discretionary spending on pursuits like golf.

The growth in racial and ethnic diversity has been even more dramatic when viewed over a longer period. In 2024, there were almost 7 million Black, Asian and Hispanic on-course golfers, also a record total. This stands in contrast to 1990, when People of Color represented 8% of green grass golfers. By 2000, in part because of the emergence of Tiger Woods, this representation rose to 16%.

The ongoing shift mirrors broader demographic changes in the U.S. population, which continues to become increasingly diverse in terms of racial and ethnic makeup. In 2000, for example, People of Color represented 30% of the U.S. population age 6 and older. Today, that proportion has eclipsed 40%.

Golf’s off-course-only participant pool is even more diverse. Females comprise 43% of the over 19 million Americans who play off-course forms of golf exclusively, while People of Color make up 45% of this group. Introductions and engagement away from the golf course have been shown to benefit the traditional game, as recent years have seen record or near-record numbers of beginners getting out on a golf course for the first time. This is, in part, because of the comfort and competency gained in hitting a ball with a club at golf entertainment venues, in an indoor simulator, or at a tech-enabled range.

The record levels of participation and representation in the key segments above suggest that golf is not only becoming more reflective of America’s changing demographics but the industry’s efforts to create a more inclusive environment are bearing fruit, setting the stage for continued growth and diversity in the years ahead.

About the NGF
Founded in 1936, the National Golf Foundation is a dynamic membership organization supported and trusted by thousands of golf related businesses and individuals who rely on NGF to provide the most up-to-date, accurate and objective insights on the state of the game and business of golf. It is the only trade association for everyone in the golf business, advocating for growth by educating and connecting its members. NGF is also the leading marketing services provider in golf, leveraging a database of 2.5 million golfers and the industry’s most comprehensive worldwide database of golf facilities. Additionally, NGF’s research arm works with individual companies to help them better understand their markets and grow their businesses. If you’re not among the hundreds of businesses that help support NGF’s ongoing research efforts through membership, we invite you to join the community.

Media Contact:
Erik Matuszewski
National Golf Foundation
Editorial Director

Publishing Dates: 02/20/25 – 04/20/25
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